Bronchoscopy Note Template
NOTE These transcribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users and are for reference purpose only. SAM. gov The System for Award Management SAM is the Official U. S. Government system that consolidated the capabilities of CCRFedReg, ORCA, and EPLS. Diagnosis of upper airway injury is by endoscopy laryngoscopy or bronchoscopy that is adequate to see the upper airways and trachea and shows edema, tissue damage. Number 0352. Policy. Aetna considers any of the following serum tumor markers for the stated indication medically necessary Prostatespecific antigen PSA for. Bronchoscopy Note Template' title='Bronchoscopy Note Template' />Conceptual Glossary of Medical Terms. Site presented by. Bill Tillier Use this index to navigate around the glossary Introduction Sources Other. A C D. F G K L. O P S T. Z. Created July 0. To Search for a term on this page On most computers, Ctrl F will open a search you can use. Other web based glossaries Common Terms in Evolutionary Biology and Genetics by M. Tevfik DORAK http dorakmt. The Human Genome Program of the U. S. Department of Energy http www. Dr. Koops Medical Encyclopedia http www. Bronchoscopy Note Template' title='Bronchoscopy Note Template' />A meta list of dictionaries http stommel. Hypertexts for Biomedical Sciences. Glossary. Your Dictionary http www. National Human Genome Research Institute. NHGRI Glossary http www. DIRVIPGlossaryThe National Womens Health Information. Conceptual Glossary of Medical Terms. Site presented by Bill Tillier Use this index to navigate around the glossary Introduction Sources Other web. Center http www. Dictionaries. com http www. A Glossary of Basic Medical Terms. Introduction. This glossary presents an overview. Appendix-A3.gif' alt='Bronchoscopy Note Template' title='Bronchoscopy Note Template' />It has a general focus on neuromuscular disorders. There is some redundancy. I hope that where I repeat a definition, it presents a slightly. Many. of these terms are very scientific. Puzzle Kingdoms Pc here. Medicine is a scientific topic, so much. I encourage the reader. Latin they likely are Latin. Many of these entries are about genetics. This glossary is not comprehensive. I am not trying to be a textbook. Pronunciation. guidelines are presented in. Selected sources are listed at the end. In. many cases, terms are very specific and I have not always provided references. If you see any mistakes, please feel free to let me. THANKS. A C D. F G K L. O P S T. Z. Abdomen AB doe men The part of. Ablation Surgical destruction or removal of tissue, an organ, or a precise. Ablation may involve surgical cutting excision. For example, pallidotomy is a procedure used. Parkinsons disease or certain other movement disorders. The procedure involves surgical ablation of part of the internal portion of. GPi i. e., a brain region involved in regulating movement in. Once a wire. probe is inserted into and precisely positioned within the GPi, it heats and. Abscess AB cess Infection that has formed a pocket of pus. Accessory cell Cell required for, but not actually mediating, a specific immune. Often used to describe antigen presenting cells APC see below. Acetaminophen Tylenol Acetaminophen, with brand names such as Tylenol. Panadol, Tylenol Arthritis and Excedrin is one of the safest analgesic painkillers. The medication is often used in combination. Acetaminophen is the most commonly used over the counter. Acetylcholine ACh ah SEA TILL co line An important neurotransmitter in. ACh is a major transmitter substance at many. When a nerve impulse arrives at the nerve ending, ACh, which is stored there. ACh released by muscle nerves makes muscles contract. ACh. is destroyed by an enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, and thus it is effective only. The brain makes it from the precursor nutrient choline. ACh is also. known to play an important role in memory and learning and is in abnormally. Alzheimers disease. Certain muscular. Achondroplasia The most common. Acoustic ah KOOS tick Related. Acquired disease to come to have as a new or additional characteristic, trait. For example, in spontaneous genetic disease the cells inherited from. This is a common. We can say that this cancer has a genetic aspect but it is not hereditary or. More on cancer The transition. DNA. All cells acquire mutations over their lifetime, but most are quickly repaired. This machinery is not foolproof, however. Also see Cancer as. Hereditary diseases, Familial disease and Congenital diseases. Acquired mutations see somatic mutations. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome. AIDS A viral disease that destroys the bodys ability to fight infections. Actin Act tin a very important protein abundantly present in many cells. Actin can very quickly assemble into long strands called. These microfilaments have a variety of roles they form part. In skeletal. muscle, actin fibers are long and thin and are thus called the thin filaments. Actin, works along with another protein called myosin, to produce. Myosin filaments are thick protein threads called. In. muscle contraction, filaments of actin alternately chemically link and unlink. Think of the myosin as. Based on http www. Action tremor a tremor that occurs during the performance of voluntary movements. Such tremors include postural, isometric, kinetic, and intention tremors. Active immunity A type of acquired immunity whereby resistance to a disease is built up by either having the disease or receiving a vaccine against it. Activities of Daily Living ADLs. The activities of daily living ADLs and the instrumental activities of daily. Tai Bai Hat Nang Am Xa Dan Karaoke'>Tai Bai Hat Nang Am Xa Dan Karaoke. IADLs are important measures of a persons ability to function in life. A variety of medical conditions can impair these activities. ADLs are self care activities that a person must perform every day e. The ADLs are remembered by the pneumonic DEATH which includes D dressing. E eating self feedingA ambulating walkingT transferring. H hygiene. IADLs are activities that enable a person to live independently in a house or. The IADLs are activities that require a higher level of function than the ADLs. ADLs. Patients with functional. IADLs prior to losing ADL function. The IADLs are remembered by the pneumonic SHAFTThe pneumonic describes activities as outlined below S shopping. H housekeeping. A accounting. F food preparation. T transportation Actomyosin A term sometimes used. Acute A sudden, usually more severe. Adaptive immune response Immune response mediated by B and T cells after exposure. Involves memory, selfnonself recognition, and specificity Adaptive Mutation also called stationary phase mutation Mutation increases. It is thus a model of mutational escape of growth control such as in. Implies that evolution can be hastened when environmental challenges. Addisons disease Disease resulting. Adenocarcinoma AD en o CAR sin o ma. Cancer arising in gland forming tissue. An example is breast cancer. Adenoma ADD in oma A benign tumor. For example, an adenoma of the pituitary gland. Adenosine ADD din NO sin triphosphate tri FOS fate ATP energy carrying. ATP captures chemical energy. Cells require chemical energy for three general types of. An analogy between ATP and rechargeable batteries is appropriate. The batteries. are used, giving up their potential energy until it has all been converted into. Recharged batteries into which energy. Thus, ATP. is the higher energy form the recharged battery while ADP is the lower energy. When the terminal third phosphate is cut loose, ATP. ADP Adenosine diphosphate di two, and the stored energy is released. The input of additional energy plus. ADP into ATP as in my analogy the spent batteries. ATP Formation Adenosine diphosphate inorganic Phosphate energy produces. Adenosine Triphosphate. ATP energy Energy is stored in the covalent bonds between phosphates, with. This covalent bond is known as a pyrophosphate. ATP Energy release Adenosine Triphosphate produces Adenosine diphosphate. Phosphate. Also organic compound composed of adenine, the sugar ribose, and three phosphate. ATP serves as the major energy source within the cell to drive a number. It is broken down by a chemical process called hydrolysis. ADP, inorganic phosphorus, and energy. ADP. can be further broken down to yield adenosine monophosphate AMP, additional.